Doeguling Tibetan Settlement – Fondo Emergenza Covid

Doeguling Tibetan Settlement – Fondo Emergenza Covid

Abbiamo raccolto € 1.500,00, come piccolo fondo di emergenza per sostenere la Casa di Riposo OIPH del Doeguling Tibetan Settlement di Mundgod. L’importo è stato utilizzato per l’acquisto di disinfettanti, mascherine, indumenti protettivi per il personale, siringhe, e per fornire cibo nutriente integratore ai pazienti Covid. Oltre a una offerta per ciascuno di loro. Al momento, dopo gli ultimi decessi per Covid o per altre patologie, la OIPH ospita 65 anziani, assistiti da uno staff di 7 operatori.

Un particolare ringraziamento a Mr. Lhagpa Tsering, Representative del Doeguling Tibetan Settlement, che ha coordinato istituzionalmente quanto necessario all’azione e a Mrs. Tamdin Dolma, Manager dell’OIPH che, nella sua lettera, ci ha fornito il report e le immagini. E, un ringraziamento speciale ai nostri sostenitori che hanno finanziato questa azione.

Tamdin Dolma: “We are truly grateful to you all”

Segue la lettera di cui sopra, dalla quale si evince, oltre ai ringraziamenti, la situazione attuale della Casa di Riposo. Nel corso di un tempo troppo breve, il numero degli ospiti si è ridotto di 7 unità. Passando dai 72 di Aprile scorso, ai 65 di Giugno. Il personale, sempre di 7 operatori, deve sopperire a tutte le loro necessità, sia quelle sanitarie che alimentari che della routine quotidiana. Un bell’impegno davvero, considerando che molti degli anziani sono allettati… Che dire! C’è poi la foto con le mele, cibo “privilegiato” e di lusso, che continua, insieme alla grinta di tutti loro, a stringermi il cuore… Grazie dunque a questi anziani davvero speciali, a chi se ne prende cura e a chi ha contribuito alla raccolta del nostro simbolico fondo.

Dearest of Dear Marilia Bellaterra,

First of all, let us Thank you so much to you and the AREF international for the generous contribution of Indian Rupees 1,22,052.00 ( One Lakh, twenty two thousand and fifty two only ) which we have received through the department of home.
Sorry for taking time to update regarding our Old and Infirm People’s Home (OIPH), Mundgod.
On 1st April, 2021 in our oiph we have 75 residents and 7 staff. Total we have 82 people in our residence. From 1st April to 14th April, 2021 due to old aged chronic disease 3 residents passed away during that period.

On 15th April, 2021 we have 72 residents and 7 staff. Covid pandemic hit our oiph on 7. 5. 2021 after that, the number of residents increased day by day, till now from 72 residents 51 residents got infected and with that staff also one by one got infected. All the staff got infected. They did not take rest but they served the covid positive patients day and night. Settlement officer helped us to get extra temporary staff from outside. He got 3 people to help us. 2 as a cook and one as a nurse to attend to the non covid patients
Staff worked very hard to make covid patients recover by providing nutritious porridge 2 times a day, fruits, milk etc, washing their clothes etc keeping them clean. Also they check their BP, Spo2 and temperature morning and evening. Those who needed extra attention and serious conditions were transferred to DTR hospital for further treatment. At DTR two staff are sent to attend the patient.
All the covid positive patients are kept in block 5 and when their results are negative they have been shifted to block 3 as quarantine for 10 days before going to their respective room.
From 7th may,2021 till 23. 6. 2021. 7 residents passed away from that 4 are covid and 3 are non covid. At present we have 65 residents and 7 staff and 3 extra help + settlement officer has also sent his office secretary as manager in oiph From 23. 5. 2021 to 24. 6. 2021
Our OIPH has become a green zone on 24.6.2021. The day covid pandemic hit oiph on 7. 5. 2021 oiph has undergone a very bad period. During those days, the settlement officer and his secretary have been very supportive and helpful to go through the rough period and your generous amount helps us to buy our needed things like hand sanitizer, gown, face mask and to provide nutritious supplement food to the covid patients. We are truly grateful to you all. Without your support and help we won’t be able to get over the rough phase which we had faced this year. Once again we would like to thank you for always being there for us always.
Lastly, all is well with the blessing of his holiness the Dalai Lama, high Lama’s, well wishers and you all. We thank you for always being there for us.

With lots of love and prayers,

Yours sincerely

Tamdin Dolma, OIPH, Manager

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